women's leg being waxed

The Best Folliculitis after Waxing Treatment

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If you’ve ever waxed your skin, you may have had to deal with some uncomfortable side effects. For example, you may have noticed that bumps tend to develop on the skin after waxing. This is not uncommon. A potential cause of bumps is folliculitis. 

In this blog, share information on folliculitis after waxing, including: 

  • What is folliculitis?
  • Why does folliculitis happen?
  • How to treat folliculitis after waxing. 

Read on to learn more about folliculitis and waxing so that you can protect your skin from these irritating bumps and prevent them from developing again. 

What is Folliculitis?

Folliculitis is a fancy name for an infected hair follicle that has become inflamed. It results from hair follicle damage, often caused by shaving, waxing, or other forms of hair removal. These pimple-like bumps can appear immediately after waxing or can take up to a week to develop. Although the entire body is covered in hair follicles, folliculitis typically occurs on the arms, legs, butt, and groin area. While waxing is a key cause of folliculitis, the condition can also be caused by spending time in a hot tub, wearing tight clothing, dry skin, and sweat. These irritating red bumps may resemble acne but are, in fact, very different conditions. For example, acne is caused by clogged pores while folliculitis is due to inflamed hair follicles. 

Your Skin and Waxing

Waxing is a hair removal method that entails smoothing warm wax over a part of the body, followed by a sheet of paper that is then ripped off quickly to pull the hair with it. After waxing, you may experience a flare up of folliculitis or notice small, red bumps developing in the places you waxed. These bumps may look similar to acne but are more likely to be folliculitis – a skin condition that often affects those who wax. While waxing itself does not cause these breakouts, open pores do make it easier for bacteria to enter the body after a waxing session. 

Folliculitis from Waxing - Why Does it Happen?

It’s normal for folliculitis to occur after waxing. Forcefully removing hair causes stress to the surrounding skin, making bumps and inflammation a common occurrence. Inflammation is what causes the pimple-like rash to form following hair removal. If the bumps are developing weeks after your waxing session, they are likely to be the result of ingrown hairs – a type of folliculitis that happens when hair grows back into the skin rather than out of the skin’s surface.

Folliculitis after Waxing Treatment

To reduce swelling and inflammation, try the following: 

1. Apply a cool compress to the affected area

Use a clean washcloth soaked in cold water and allow it to sit on the skin for 10-20 minutes to help soothe the affected area.

2. Moisturize

Keeping the skin well hydrated can help soothe inflammation. A gentle moisturizer, like our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream, also serves as a barrier to protect the skin from friction and rubbing. 

3. Stop Picking your Skin

Avoid picking at or prodding your skin as this can increase your risk of infection due to bacteria. 

4. Exfoliate

Make your own natural scrub to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating can remove dead skin and other debris. It can also prevent additional ingrown hairs from forming when done before hair removal. 

5. Wear Breathable Clothing

Wearing a protective layer of breathable clothing can help prevent friction and reduce the risk of sweaty irritation. We recommend this Remedywear™ Long Sleeve Shirt for Adults and these Remedywear™ Pants for Adults.

6. Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a cooling natural remedy that does wonders for inflamed skin. To benefit from its nourishing powers, break off a piece of its leaf and squeeze the gel onto the affected area. Gently massage into the skin. 

Soothe your Skin Today

If you’re experiencing post-waxing folliculitis, give these natural solutions a try to enjoy more comfortable skin today.