Do an Infrared Sauna and Eczema Mix?

Do an Infrared Sauna and Eczema Mix?

Can an infrared sauna help eczema symptoms? Read on to find out!
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Are you fed up with dealing with eczema symptoms? If yes, you may be wondering whether you can use an infrared sauna to help you manage eczema naturally. Let’s take a closer look at causes and symptoms of eczema, as well as infrared sauna benefits for the skin. 

What is Eczema? 

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can impact a person physically, financially, professionally, and emotionally. It’s caused by a damaged skin barrier that has trouble retaining moisture. Because of this, eczema is accompanied by dryness and itchiness. Further signs and symptoms of eczema include a red rash, thickened skin that may develop a leathery texture, swelling, tenderness, a burning or stinging sensation, and of course, intense itchiness. If relentless scratching causes the skin to crack or bleed, the skin can become more vulnerable to infection. 

Causes of Eczema

Research isn’t exactly sure of the exact cause of this chronic skin condition. Instead, it’s believed to be linked to a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Top eczema triggers that can lead to flare ups include pet fur, pollen, sweat, certain foods such as shellfish, fabrics like nylon, latex, and spandex, harsh ingredients found in soaps, make up, and beauty products, nickel, and even stress. Because different factors can trigger eczema in different people, it’s important to understand your body and identify your eczema triggers. This is an important part of eczema management. 

Infrared Sauna for the Skin: Does it Work?

An infrared sauna is not a magical solution for healing eczema, however, it can help manage symptoms in some people. How? To start with, the infrared waves in infrared saunas can reduce the levels of pro-inflammatory chemicals in your blood which can have a positive effect on the skin. An infrared sauna session also promotes good circulation by deeply penetrating infrared energy into the body. This helps promote restoration and healing. In addition, infrared saunas help control the sympathetic nervous system by reducing stress levels. As we know, stress is a common eczema trigger. By promoting relaxation, stress-induced eczema is kept at bay. 

Natural Remedies for your Skin 

If an infrared sauna for eczema isn’t for you, there are other ways to manage itchy and uncomfortable symptoms. Here are some natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can try: 

Keep the skin moisturized

Keep your dry skin well hydrated by applying a natural moisturizer daily. We love clean beauty products because they are better for your skin health and our planet. This Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is made with just 6 ingredients, including the powerful manuka honey. All ingredients were handpicked by an eczema mother who searched high and low for a solution to her son’s skin. This oil-based balm can be used anywhere on the body from head to toe. It’s safe and effective for little ones too!

Try a Soothing Soap

Showering or bathing with a soothing soap can make a huge difference. Many soaps actually contain chemicals or ingredients that strip the skin of its natural oils. That’s why we love this Coconut and Sunflower Oil Soap Bar. It offers a naturally light, clean smell without added fragrance or perfume. You’ll love how soft, smooth, and supple your skin feels afterwards!

Practice Self Care

An excellent way to reduce stress and take care of your mental wellbeing is by practicing self care. Although self care looks different for everyone, we recommend relaxing activities like yoga or meditation. Even practicing deep breathing can make a positive difference. 

Watch What you Eat

As we mentioned, food is a common eczema trigger. If you’re not sure which food is triggering your flare ups, it’s worth trying an eczema elimination diet. This involves removing the consumption of certain foods (usually the top eczema triggers) for around 3-4 weeks and then monitoring the results. Be sure to work with a dietician, nutritionist, or physician before undergoing an elimination diet, particularly if you are cutting out a large food group.